Danny Duggan
Bank Station Capacity Upgrade Project Director for Dragados
Bank Station Capacity Upgrade Project Director for Dragados
"Dr Sauer & Partners (DSP) has delivered tunnel designs and site supervision of sprayed concrete lining construction for Dragados in the UK over the last 7 years. The company has designed and supervised our tunnel works for Crossrail in London on our £700m Eastern Running Tunnels project. DSP is also a key partner in bidding, winning and undertaking the Bank Station Capacity upgrade project for Transport for London with a value of £530m.
The Bank project was procured using the London Underground Innovative Contractor Engagement (ICE) model. This bid was evaluated on innovative solutions to the client’s core requirements of journey time improvement and congestion relief at the fourth busiest interchange station in London. DSP fully supported Dragados through the bid in producing a new solution for the congestion problems at Bank and improving the client business case from a benefit cost ratio of 2.4:1 to 3.5:1. The ICE process requires effective collaboration throughout the supply chain to harness intellectual property in an integrated whole life solution. The DSP corporate culture and the behaviours of the whole DSP project team are exemplary and very suited to collaborative delivery of both developing designs and safe construction solutions.
I recommend Dr. Sauer & Partners Ltd. not only for its technical skills and innovation in design but for the collaborative behaviours I have witnessed in all of our projects together. They have a very professional young team who challenge the norm and integrate fully and effectively into multi-disciplinary design and construct teams."