Franz Wilhemstoetter presents at Colorado School of Mines

Thursday, October 10th, 2024

On Monday 14th October, Dr. Sauer & Partners Managing Director in the US, Franz Wilhelmstoetter will present as part of the Colorado School of Mines' annual short course focused on tunnelling. In his session at 9.15am being held on the campus of Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado, Franz will present a detailed overview of SEM and NATM Design Principles.

'Tunnelling Fundamentals, Practice and Innovations' is an annual short course for industry professionals that provides a comprehensive overview of tunnel design and construction across all applications and all geologies. 

The 3.5-day course provides a great understanding of the state of practice and innovations in tunnelling worldwide, and the course allows attendees to participate in hands-on labs in state-of-the-art testing and research facilities at the Colorado School of Mines.

The full agenda is available on the event website.